It appears that your SSC CGL Tier I exam was successfully passed. That is rather good. But now that you've taken a step closer to success, you need to be more genuine because SSC CGL Tier II won't be as simple as the first one. Therefore, developing a more successful preparation method is important. Adhere to the syllabus and outline: This is where you should start whenever you're preparing. Keep in mind that your SSC CGL Tier I and Tier II syllabus differ. As a result, you must get knowledge about the exam, including its syllabus and format, as this will enable you to develop a winning plan. Using quick fixes and mental math is the most effective technique to improve your time management abilities. Your mind will get more creative the more you play with it. Additionally, it is preferable if you track how much time you spend on each question and take your time answering it.
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